McMurdo from the helicopter!
Clouds over the coast
Ice breaking away from the coastal line
The tiny black dots are really penguins, I promise!
We collected several short ice cores, which will be melted under controlled conditions to examine bacteria content.
My teammate Heidi (left) and one of the Principle Investigator pulling our first core out of the manual ice core drill.
We also set up a Meteorological station that one of my teammates Mike has tirelessly been working on. It was pretty impressive once he got the whole thing set up. There is a "Plant Cam" attached to the side (little green box) which takes a picture at a set interval so that we can monitor stream flow and changes in the channel when we are not out in the field. The station also has a temperature guage, a wind direction/speed propeller, relative humidity gauge, a li-core (involving CO2 measurements) and a solar panel to power it all! I learned a lot helping mike get all of the various gadgets wired up!
Intense concentration setting up the solar panel to power the station.
The completed weather station
We deployed a bunch of other sensors including temperature and pressure sensors for the streams. Through the pressure sensors, we can calculate stream height. We also collected 60L of water to filter for various analyses back at the lab! We had an enjoyable but long field day. Our pick up time was scheduled for 7:45pm, so around 7:00, we started gathering up all of our gear near where the helo was going to land. As it got later, the temperature began to drop and we tried to stay active to keep warm. We were doing jumping jacks, short laps, sit ups, and attempted some yoga poses. However, in the amount of clothing we were wearing, just moving around was difficult -- the sit-ups were pretty hilarious since none of us could sit up in our giant jackets! We even got creative and started making people pyramids!
Ta da!
On the way back our pilot spotted the same group of penguins that we saw on the way out, but he flew us really low down to the ground so we could get a better look! It was great!! Unfortunately, I was on the wrong side of the helicopter to really see them well, but I still got a few pics! They were so cute. Whenever there was a hole in the ice, it was filled with the penguins swimming in the water.
Overall, it was a long but fun first day out in the field. I was glad to finally escape the lab and spend some time outside on the Cotton Glacier!
You've inspired me to watch March of the Penguins again ;))
ReplyDeleteThey really do like they're on a hike!
Would've liked to see you doing yoga in your survival suits! (no eagle pose for sure! Maybe utkatasana--chair pose or warrior pose tho? ;)
I made your spaghetti squash-chickpea casserole to serve with our turkey tonite in your honor!