So if you haven't already figured out why it is called Jesus Rock, it is a small shoal out in the middle of Toolik where the rocks are so shallow, you can get out of the boat and look like you are walking on water!
Jen saved me from the lab yesterday and asked me to go with two of the lab 4 RAs (Jason and Jeff) to hike the Inlet Series lakes and collect HOBO temperature/pressure probes and other "science gear." We had a lot of fun. None of us were in a huge hurry to get back to camp so we took our time exploring the inlet lakes. When we are in sampling mode, we never really get to explore the area, so it was fun to wander around a bit. It is truly fall here and crow berries are all turning red, painting the ground red!
The caribou are out right now and we spotted a ton of them throughout the day! However, the hunters are out as well and we passed several hunter trucks on our way out to the field.
beautiful standing bow poses!